In this Agreement, the following words shall have the following meanings:
'Foreign Currency Transaction(s)' shall mean any foreign exchange transaction entered into on behalf of a client.
'active' means partner has referred a qualifying customer within the last 365 days;
'margin' means the profit made by Horizon Currency on any completed currency transactions, net of costs.
'effective introduction(s)' means any introduction of a new, qualified customer by the Partner to Horizon Currency that Horizon Currency does not already have on its Database.
'profit' means the sterling equivalent of (i) the Group’s revenue (amount of currency purchased by the Qualifying Customer under a Qualifying Trade less the cost of that currency to Horizon Currency), less (ii) any costs, expenses and fees incurred by Horizon Currency (as determined by Horizon Currency in its absolute discretion and without being required to produce evidence thereof) in acquiring and delivering the currency together with any associated services; provided however that where the Profit yields a number less than zero, the Profit will be deemed to be zero;
'The Company' means Horizon Currency Ltd, Albany House, 14 Shute End, Wokingham RG40 1BJ, United Kingdom. Registered in England & Wales, No.: 11242368. Foreign exchange payments and associated services are provided by International Payment Technologies, a company authorised by the FCA under the Payment Services Regulations, 2017 (Registration number 504346). Registered as a Money Services Business, regulated by HM Revenue & Customs (“HMRC”) under the Money Laundering Regulations 2017. (Registration number is 12137189). Registered in England and Wales. Company number 04675786. Registered Office 3rd Floor 100 New Bond Street, London, England, W1S 1SP.
You, the partner, have conducted a thorough search in the money transfer marketplace and have chosen Horizon Currency not only for commission payments, but instead/also for the value we add to your clients’ experiences.
Horizon Currency will pay a percentage of turnover, ‘profit’ or a combination of both to the introducing ‘active’ partner, as per this agreement. Any payments made by Horizon Currency to the Introducer pursuant to this Agreement shall be inclusive of all applicable taxes (including, without limitation, value added tax). The Introducer acknowledges that it shall be responsible for paying all associated taxes and national insurance contributions and making any other necessary deductions in relation to payments received from Horizon Currency under this Agreement for itself and its personnel.
The recipient is responsible for accounting for and paying any taxes to the relevant authorities, including (but not limited to) income tax, VAT and other local taxes, and by signing this agreement you confirm that these obligations have been met and will be met in respect of all payments made to you by Horizon Currency.
For the avoidance of doubt, Horizon Currency does not condone tax evasion and has a zero tolerance policy in relation to the facilitation of tax evasion.
Where the introducing partner introduces a second tier introducing partner at a lesser commission rate they will receive the differential between the two rates on the second tier customers' trading. This payment will also be paid inclusive of applicable taxes, as per point 2 above.
Horizon Currency agrees to keep true and accurate records and books of accounts containing all data necessary for the determination of the initial and ongoing commissions.
It is a general duty on Horizon Currency to act at all times in good faith towards the partner.
The parties expressly agree that should any provision contained in this Agreement be held to be invalid under any applicable rule of law it shall to that extent be deemed omitted but the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
This Agreement shall be governed in every particular including formation and interpretation in accordance with the Laws of England and Wales and will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England in respect of any proceedings arising out of or in connection with this Agreement.
The partner has read, understood and agrees to be bound by the Horizon Currency Partner Content Terms in their entirety at all times. Failure to adhere to the terms will result in termination of this partner agreement. On the termination of this agreement for any reason the introducing partner agrees to return, remove, or delete all information and or content referring to, supplied by or on behalf of Horizon Currency.
Horizon Currency reserves the right to change the terms of this agreement in which event the partner will be notified in writing.
Horizon Currency Partner Content Terms
The following terms must be followed by all partners of Horizon Currency as confirmed in the Horizon Currency partner agreement.
You must respect the property rights of Horizon Currency. These rights include trademarks and service marks, copyright and related rights, trade names and domain names, rights to goodwill or to use in passing off and rights in confidential information.
The Horizon Currency logo may only be used with prior express permission from a Horizon Currency representative. Any unauthorised alteration to the Horizon Currency logo is strictly prohibited.
Partners must not use third party logos to promote Horizon Currency without express permission from a Horizon Currency representative.
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) – The use of the FCA logo is permitted by the FCA in strictly defined circumstances only. Partners are strictly not permitted to promote Horizon Currency with the use of the FCA logo under any circumstances. However, partners may refer to Horizon Currency’s regulatory status using the following wording only: “Horizon Currency Ltd is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Electronic Money Institution under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011. Our FCA Firm Reference number is 900669.”
Offline Marketing
All advertising or editorial design released by a partner which incorporates information regarding Horizon Currency must have written approval from a Director of Horizon Currency prior to publication.
Email Marketing
If you wish, you may, with the prior written consent of Horizon Currency, send direct marketing emails promoting the Horizon Currency business to an opt-in subscription email list, but only where the customer has provided a valid consent for you to specifically market Horizon Currency products and services to them.
This consent would need to meet the same criteria as ‘Consent to Contact’ below. Prior to sending any such promotional email, a copy of such email must be sent to Horizon Currency for approval by a Horizon Currency representative. It must be clear that any such email promotion has been sent by the partner and does not state or imply that the email is from Horizon Currency.
You shall ensure that any emails you send promoting Horizon Currency shall contain an unsubscribe link and include (or include a link to) your privacy policy.
Consent To Contact (Referrals)
New EU data privacy regulations (the GDPR) mean that we are allowed to accept a referral from you only if the person you are referring (‘the referee’) has given their consent, either verbally or in writing, for you to pass their details to us. If you pass to us (or anyone else) details of people who have not given their consent, then you are breaking EU law and we are not permitted to contact the referee.
When you identify someone you would like to refer to us, you must ask them the following question, either verbally, in writing or by email:
‘Would it be okay for me to share your name and contact details with Horizon Currency so they can contact you about their money transfer service?’
We will ask the client to confirm this consent whenever we contact a client referred by you. Only if the referee confirms they gave consent will we be able to continue the conversation.
From time-to-time we may ask you to provide tangible evidence that referees have provided consent. Note that the standard for recording verbal consent is for you to keep a log of meetings where consent was captured, including the names of those present, the date, time and place.
Repeated referee rejections may indicate that referrals are unsafe and result in suspension or termination of the affiliate relationship.
Privacy Policy
Horizon Currency handles any personal data you provide to us in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please review the Policy and contact us if you have any questions about it.
Online Content
Horizon Currency operate a strict policy for online content.
Your website should not:
a) Promote illegal activities, violence, discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, nationality or disability or display any information or material which harasses, annoys or disrupts any third party, is unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane or indecent or infringes the rights of any other person.
b) Under any circumstances duplicate content from the Horizon Currency website. This includes the duplication of page titles, blog post titles and imagery.
c) Horizon Currency Partners are not permitted to use the brand name 'Horizon Currency' as part of a domain or in a website URL, this includes misspellings and variations.
d) Operate so as to transmit or send viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation to any person.
e) Use or in any way duplicate any content obtained directly from the Horizon Currency Website. Partners are encouraged to create their own unique content to improve SEO and customer experience.
f) Copy or resemble the "look and feel" or layout of the Horizon Currency Website or otherwise represent to users that your Website is representing the Company and/or the Horizon Currency Business.
g) Misrepresent or embellish the relationship between themselves and the company Horizon Currency.
You should ensure that your website complies with all terms and conditions, and guidelines issued by Horizon Currency including those contained in this document.
You shall be solely responsible for the development, operation, and maintenance of your Website and for all materials and links that appear on your Website.
Any content used to promote Horizon Currency must first be approved by a Horizon Currency representative prior to publication in any form. Under no circumstances can the content appear online without approval from Horizon Currency.
Unauthorised copying or re-wording of the content from any Horizon Currency owned website is strictly prohibited. The copyright of this content is owned by Horizon Currency Ltd. Any unauthorised copying or re-wording will constitute an infringement of copyright and may result in termination of the partner agreement as described below.
Horizon Currency may in its sole discretion monitor Partner Websites and shall notify you of any aspect of your Website that the Company reasonably considers to be unacceptable with respect to the partner agreement and the Horizon Currency Partner Content Terms. On notification of such an infringement you agree to change your Website to remove any such unacceptable content as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event, no later than 7 days after being notified by the Company. Failure to do so may result in termination of the partner agreement as described below.
Horizon Currency may provide the partner with content for publication on the partner’s website(s). Content may include (but will not be limited to) market commentary, editorial design and copy, promotional copy, images, tools, widgets and data feeds. All content provided by Horizon Currency to partners for publication on the partner’s website(s) remains the intellectual property of Horizon Currency and must be removed from the partner’s website(s) if requested by Horizon Currency in its sole discretion, or upon termination of the partner agreement by either party.
Cookie Period
Horizon Currency employs Cookies to monitor each user’s activity on the Horizon Currency Website. Each Cookie shall be valid for a period of 30 Days.
Natural Search
Partners should not optimise to appear above in natural search listings for brand keywords.
Social Media
If you operate within social environments you must communicate under your partner name so there is clarity that you are not passing yourself off as Horizon Currency and so customers understand you operate separately to Horizon Currency.
Pay-per-click / Paid Search (“PPC”) Restrictions
You shall not without the prior written consent from Horizon Currency: a) Engage in any PPC advertising where such advertisements include any trade mark owned by Horizon Currency or its Group or any brand terms, brand permutations and misspellings.
b) Use Vanity URL’s which include any trade mark owned by Horizon Currency or its Group or any brand terms, brand permutations and misspellings.
You shall:
a) Use reasonable endeavours to ensure that your advertisement does not appear above any advertisement of Horizon Currency that appears in response to the same search term.
b) Not copy any element of any PPC search-listing text used by Horizon Currency.
c) Perform negative match checks on Horizon Currency brand terms unless otherwise given permission.
Brand Guidelines
You shall display your own trade mark (word and/or logo) prominently on your Website and shall ensure that a customer browsing your Website is given enough information to convey the message that your Website is not operated by or on behalf of Horizon Currency, including and particularly any page where you capture details that you will send to us under the affiliate scheme.
You shall ensure that any written statement promoting Horizon Currency displayed on your Website is written from a third party perspective. By way of example only, you should not use terms such as “our services” in respect of Horizon Currency services.
Intellectual Property
Horizon Currency grants its partners a non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable licence to use and display the Trade Marks and Horizon Currency Content on your Website solely for the purpose of promoting Horizon Currency and creating Links to the Horizon Currency Website provided that such promotion of Horizon Currency by you is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Partner Agreement and the Horizon Currency Partner Content Terms.
Nothing in this document shall grant to you any right to use any of the Trade Marks as part of your corporate or trading name and you undertake not to do so or to otherwise to hold yourself out as being an agent of Horizon Currency.
You acknowledge that all content on the Horizon Currency Website is proprietary to or licensed by Horizon Currency and may not be reproduced, modified, transmitted, displayed, published or distributed without the prior written consent of Horizon Currency. You shall comply with these terms at all times.
The Whole Agreement
Horizon Currency shall be entitled to perform ad hoc checks from time to time of Partner Websites to ensure that they are complying with all the terms of this Agreement.
Infringement of any of these terms may result in suspension of the partner from the partner agreement in which case the partner will forfeit any outstanding commission that would otherwise be due to the partner at the date of termination and any future commissions otherwise accruing.
If for any reason the partner agreement is terminated by either party, the partner agrees to remove all content provided to the partner by Horizon Currency from its website(s) within 7 days of the notice to terminate the Partner Agreement being delivered by either party to the other.
For more information, or further clarification on whether your activity would contravene any of the above Terms and Conditions please contact